Lorem lipsum Dolor nunc vule putateulr ips dol consec.Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upien disse comete dolo lectus fgilla itollicil tua ludin dolor. nec met quam accumsan dolore condime netus lullam utlacus adipiscing ipsum molestie euismod estibulum vel.Lorem lipsum Dolor nunc vule putateulr ips dol consec.Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upien disse comete dolo lectus fgilla itollicil tua ludin dolor. nec met quam accumsan dolore condime netus lullam utlacus adipiscing ipsum molestie euismod estibulum vels. Lorem lipsum Dolor nunc vule putateulr ips dol consec.Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upien disse comete dolo lectus fgilla itollicil tua ludin dolor. nec met quam accumsan dolore condime netus lullam utlacus adipiscing ipsum molestie euismod estibulum vel.Lorem lipsum Dolor nunc vule putateulr ips dol consec.Donec semp ertet laciniate ultricie upien disse comete dolo lectus fgilla itollicil tua ludin dolor. nec met quam accumsan dolore condime netus lullam utlacus adipiscing ipsum molestie euismod estibulum vel.
Kevin Ensenat Coach and Guide


My name is Kevin Ensenat and I am a licensed massage therapist in the state of New Jersey  (License No. 18KT01439200) and a graduate of the  American Institute of Alternative Medicine. I am also a personal trainer, and strength and conditioning and nutrition coach. 


My specialties include therapeutic massage therapy and energy work to help health injuries, aches, and pains as well as increase relaxation and overall health.  I also offer online personal training and nutritional coaching to assist clients in fat loss, and improving health markers and fitness. 


Like most of the people I have worked with over the past 29 years, I am not a perfect example of health and fitness all the time. I like to enjoy myself and indulge as most people do. I also fall off the wagon from time to time. Life also gets in my way. That is why I specialize in finding simple and effective solutions to get you back on track, stay on track and not fall too far off the tracks when life goes sideways on us.


So, if you have injuries, aches, and pains holding you back and/or have tried again and again to lose weight, improve your health markers and the way you look and feel, and failed. No worries. I have got your back.

Please explore my site, check out my programs and blog. If you feel like I am the right fit for you then fill out the contact form and we can set up a time to talk and create a plan specifically designed to help YOU reach your goals.

Yours in health,


Our Instructors

Kevin Ensenat Coach and Guide