
Two is One and One is None

Two is one and one is none is a concept used by Navy Seals that simply means to have a backup plan.  It means having one of something is like having none and that having two of anything is the same as having one. This important concept is not only extremely valuable on the battlefield and in outdoor survival but in everyday life. Taking it a step further, I like to also apply this to healthy eating and exercise.

Exercise and eating healthy are the two key components of living a healthy lifestyle. Yet too many people leave these two important components to chance. Then when something causes your day or week to go sideways, without a backup plan your initial plan for diet and exercise goes off the rails.

This leads to inconsistency, frustration, and overwhelm. All of which makes it much easier to get discouraged and just say screw it. I’ll try again tomorrow or next week. For some people, it can mean they may just give up all together.

Fortunately, this problem has an easy solution.

An ounce of prevention is equal to a pound of cure. The best way to avoid all the problems listed above is to create back up systems and have them in place. In life it is not if something will go wrong but when.

Here are some ideas to help you create your own back-up plan for your diet and exercise routine.

  1. Schedule your workouts for each week in advance. If something is on the schedule you are more likely to get it done.
  2. Always have 2-3 backup workout programs that you can do if something pops up and you cannot get your planned workout in for that day. EG. Go for a walk or run. Do a shorter 10–15-minute or 15-30 minute workout or yoga flow.
  3. Shop and prep food ahead of time so the ingredients are ready to go at a moment’s notice to throw together something tasty and healthy.
  4. Have healthy food readily available. Keep healthy bars, snacks, and protein powder in your car, pocketbook, backpack, at work, and at home.
  5. Have an emergency meal plan. Simply keep a set of ingredients that will allow you to throw together a healthy meal if you run late from work or the kids practice or game runs over. Instead of grabbing fast food. Quickly whip up a healthy tasty dinner.

A quick caveat. Having a backup doesn’t always mean having the exact same thing that may become lost or broken but something in place that can do a similar job when the SHTF.

Sure, the workout you may end up doing isn’t the exact one you had planned but you still got a workout in. This is better than nothing. Sometimes this can even work out better than the original. Getting something done keeps you consistent and keeps your momentum going. These are two key variables for long-term success.

The old saying of failing to plan is planning to fail always holds true.

Don’t overcomplicate the plan. Take a little time now and create 1-2 backup workout options, backup snacks, and backup last-minute meal ideas. Then save the workouts on your phone and go buy the ingredients for your meals so you have them on hand.

Once again, a plan without a backup plan is like having no plan at all. Incorporating these easy-to-apply techniques can assure that you won’t get caught with your pants down the next time life goes sideways.

To your health,


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What Type of Workout(s) Should I Be Doing?

We humans always feel the need to complicate things. Never is this more apparent than when it comes to trying to lose weight and get in shape.

People are always looking for that perfect workout. That perfect diet. One day it’s HIIT., One day it’s barre, One day it’s yoga, etc., etc. If this sounds like you then let’s stop for a second and take a deep breath in through your nose. Hold it for a count of 4 seconds. Then slowly exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds. OK, feel better now?

Here is the deal. I am going to break this down as simply as possible. At the end of the day, unless you are training for a specific sporting event, race, etc, it isn’t any more complicated than what I am about to tell you.

If you are currently only doing “cardiovascular” training such as running, cycling, etc. then add some weight training and yoga/mobility/flexibility training 2-3 times per week for 30-60 minutes.

If you are a meathead currently clanging and banging the weights away at the gym, then add some HIIT and/or cardio training as well as some yoga/mobility/flexibility training 2-3 times per week for 30-60 minutes.

If you are currently only doing Yoga, then add some strength training and cardiovascular or HIIT training 2-3 times per week for 30-60 minutes.

If you currently only lift and do cardiovascular or lift and do H.I.I.T. then add yoga 2-3 times per week.

Understand where I am going with this?

Don’t have 30-60 minutes a day to do this type of training? Then do 15-30 minutes.

Don’t have time for a full yoga class? Then pick out 1-2 short yoga flows of 10-15 minutes that focus on your whole body and add them to the end of your other workout routines or do them just before bed to relax.

Don’t have time for HIIT or Cardio then add it for 10-15 minutes at the end of your weight training workout.

Get the idea?

The exact workout program doesn’t make a ton of difference if

  1. You are training your whole body
  2. You work out hard each workout
  3. The workout is challenging and gradually increases in difficulty
  4. It is done consistently

If your workouts include all the above, then in a short time you will see results.

There is no perfect workout routine. The key for optimal health and performance is to make sure that you do some form of resistance/strength training, HIIT or cardio training and yoga/mobility/flexibility to keep your body looking and functioning optimally.

It doesn’t need t be fancy or complicated. Simple, challenging, and consistent is all that really matters.

If you’re not sure how to do any of these types of exercise, then hire a coach to help get you on the right track.

Yours in health.



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As I have gotten older and more banged up over the years it has become more apparent than ever the importance of taking care of myself. Unfortunately, as a busy father, husband, business owner and student I tend to always put other priorities in front of my own. This can oftentimes lead to me getting injured or sick and when your injured and sick you can’t really take care of anyone else. The key to long-term health, fitness, and fat loss is what I like to call self-maintenance.

 Imagine for a minute that the car you have now is the only car you can drive for the rest of your life. I’d bet you would take great care of that car, wouldn’t you? You would get all the maintenance done on time, keep it clean, use the best gas, etc. Well, our bodies are like that one car. It’s our only vessel for this lifetime so if you want it to last and run optimally you need to keep up on the maintenance. To keep this simple I created a checklist below. It’s kind of like the maintenance schedule in the owner’s manual of your car.

Priority 1: Medical Maintenance

  • Annual Physical and Blood Work. This should be done annually and always keep a record of your blood test results. Getting a regular check-up and blood work can help you discover if certain health markers are out of range and let you know of possible early illness or disease so that you can take the proper actions to fix the problem early. The basic blood test should be these, CBC with different DHEAS, free T3, free T4, TSH
    Total and free testosterone. CMP, B12/folate, GGT, Insulin, Glycomarck, HgB 1AC, PSA free PSA, Vitamin D. You doctors will also do a urinalysis.
  • Colonoscopy. I know this is most people’s least favorite exam. The prep for the test alone sucks. Nonetheless it is important to get it done. The ACS recommends that people at average risk* of colorectal cancer start regular screening at age 45. This can be done either with a sensitive test that looks for signs of cancer in a person’s stool (a stool-based test), or with an exam that looks at the colon and rectum (a visual exam).For people without a family history of cancer it is recommended to get this exam beginning at age 50.
  • Annual Mammogram and OBGYN Visit: All women should have an annual exam by their OBGYN. Women ages 40 to 44 should have the choice to start annual breast cancer screening with mammograms (x-rays of the breast) if they wish to do so. Women age 45 to 54 should get mammograms every year. Women 55 and older should switch to mammograms every 2 years or can continue yearly screening.
  • Prostate Cancer Screening. Yup time to bend over and take it like a man. Age 50 for men who are at average riskof prostate cancer and are expected to live at least 10 more years. Age 45 for men at high risk of developing prostate cancer. This includes African Americans and men who have a first-degree relative (father or brother) diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age (younger than age 65). Age 40 for men at even higher risk (those with more than one first-degree relative who had prostate cancer at an early age). It is also important for your urologist to exam your testes for lumps, varicoceles, etc. and testicular cancer signs.
  • Biannual Dental Examination and Cleaning. Going every 6-months for a dental check up and teeth cleaning will not only make the person you have to kiss happy but can help prevent developing more painful and serious conditions such as cavities, and gum disease.
  • Optometrist Exam: Having properly scheduled eye exams is important to keep your vision sharp. It is also important to discover any possible underlying conditions that may cause problems down the road. If you don’t have any symptoms or vision problems, doctors recommend getting regular eye exams based on your age:
  • Ages 20 to 39: Every 5 years
  • Ages 40 to 54: Every 2 to 4 years
  • Ages 55 to 64: Every 1 to 3 years
  • Ages 65 and up: Every 1 to 2 years

Priority 2: Self Care

  • Body Work and Massage Therapy. Getting a massage or other form of soft tissue work done weekly, once a month, or as needed is a great way to prevent injuries, and address, and care for injuries before they get worse. It will also keep you feeling great.
  • Chiropractic Care. Getting adjusted weekly or monthly is another great way to prevent you from getting injured. It can also keep chronic conditions that can flare up if left unchecked at bay.
  • Energy Work, Acupuncture: Energy work is something most people haven’t tried but I can tell you from personal experience that it works. Not only does it work, but it also can work wonders. The key is finding a qualified practitioner. If your body’s energy is not flowing properly it can lead to a host of injuries and illnesses. Getting energy work done once a month or as needed can make a huge difference in keeping you mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy.
  • Yoga and/or flexibility/mobility training. As people age, it is common to lose more and more flexibility and mobility. This can lead to injuries, poor movement, and aches and pains. Practicing yoga or other forms of flexibility and mobility are great ways to prevent injuries, decrease aches and pains and keep you moving young and nimble.
  • Weight training: Resistance training 2-3 days per week is the best way to add or at least prevent muscle loss as we age. It is also the best way to stay strong. Having more muscle mass and strength is one of the best indicators for longer life. Resistance training is also a crucial component for maintaining independence and quality of life as we age.
  • Anaerobic and Aerobic Training: Anaerobic fitness or interval training is a great way to improve and/or maintain fitness. Aerobic training or steady-state cardio is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness. Incorporating both into your exercise routine will help keep your energy, physical stamina, and endurance high so that you can stay healthy and conditioned to be able to continue to participate in all types of physical activities.
  • Stress Management: Stress is a leading cause of disease. Aside from that, too much stress is just miserable. The key is to take steps to manage stress. Among these are meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, praying, getting outside in nature, exercise, improving sleep, massage, etc. By creating a routine or experimenting with different stress management techniques you can create a plan that works for you.
  • Improve Your Nutrition: This should be at the top of the list but I wanted to leave you with one of the most important aspects of self-maintenance, nutrition. The best way to help assure your health, fitness, recovery, and overall well-being is healthy nutrition. If you are putting crappy fuel, excess alcohol, or drugs into your body it cannot and will not run optimally. I will have a great new blog post soon on simplifying and saving time on nutrition coming soon. In the meantime, you can start by just choosing one of the following. 
  1. Reduce your sugar intake
  2. Reduce your intake of unhealthy vegetable oils and use olive oil, coconut, and avocado oil
  3. Eat more fruits and vegetables
  4. Eat more protein
  5. Drink more water

If you are not doing any of the above already I recommend choosing just one and starting with that until you have it down pat. Then add another etc. This makes it much easier to get going and stay consistent.

There you have it. It may seem like a lot but don’t let it overwhelm you. The first key is to stay on top of the medical aspect by staying up to date with the appropriate doctors’ visits. The second key is to choose which of the self-care techniques above resonates with you. You may need to experiment with different techniques or different practitioners until you find the modalities and practitioners that work for you. Once you do, however, you will always have a toolbox available to keep you fine-tuned and running optimally. It’s also great to have to fix you up when you have a breakdown.

To help you start getting these new self-maintenance habits in place I have created a FREE Trinity Fitness and Wellness Self Maintenance Schedule to make keeping track and staying consistent a hell of a lot easier. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please comment below.

Wishing you the best in health, fitness, wellness, and happiness.


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Do What You Can Do

Do you have any nagging holding you back? A chronically sprained ankle, shoulder pain, back pain, knee pain, etc.? Have these injuries set back your training, activity, and quality of life? If you are lucky enough to not have any health or orthopedic issues now, then enjoy every second of it because sooner or later all of us will suffer from an injury and/or illness. This isn’t being pessimistic. It’s being real. It happens to the best of us, and it will happen again no matter what precautions you take. This doesn’t mean not take precautions. As I said above, it’s just being real. The fortunate thing is that there is a way to not let injury or sickness totally derail your training, fat loss, health, etc. Read on to find out how.

Recently I aggravated a back issue that I have. Bulging disks in my L-3-L5. If you have ever had your “back, go out” then you can relate to how painful and debilitating it can be. I was down for the count for a week and still suffering pain and limited mobility over a week later. I have done a lot of things to my body over the years. Some of it happened from accidents and others happened from doing stupid shit. Either way, it happened and now as a 48-year-old man with a lot of miles on him my body reminds me daily. The important thing to do first is address the injury and get it taken care of by seeing a doctor, chiropractor, therapist, energy worker, self-care etc. (for more information on self-care stay tuned for my next blog post, Self-maintenance). The next thing is to realize that although you cannot do exactly what you were doing before the injury there is always something that you can do. 

Working as a personal trainer and strength coach for 30 years I have seen and heard it all. One of the things I see most is when someone suffers an injury, they just completely quit their training. For example, they have a shoulder injury, and they totally stop training. How about training your core, back, or legs? Maybe they have a knee injury, and they stop training. How about your whole upper body? You get the idea. The answer is do what you CAN do. 

Below are some great ideas to help you continue training when you are injured or sick.

  1. Train the rest of your body that is healthy around your injury.
  2. Train a weak or lagging body part that you have been neglecting and wouldn’t have made the time to train otherwise. This is a perfect time to bring it up to par.
  3. Cross-train. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, bike. If you can’t bike, use a bike ergometer. Swimming can also be a great alternative especially for lower body injuries. Try to find an activity that doesn’t aggravate the injured area and focus in that for the time being.
  4. Modify or find an alternative exercise that you can do. Using different hand and foot positions can oftentimes help alleviate pain and take pressure off the injured area. Different exercise can also be better than others. For eg.  low step-ups instead of lunges if you have a knee issue. Split squats or step ups holding dumbbells if you have a back injury. You can also try using a partial range of motion that doesn’t cause pain or isometrics.
  5. Do less but do it more often. You can decrease the load you are using and use a lighter weight but perform the workout more often. The same goes for distance. If you normally run 5 miles 3 times per week Try running one or two miles 5x a week if it doesn’t hurt.
  6. Go lighter and use tempo. By performing reps at a slower tempo with a lighter weight you are taking pressure off of the joint or injured muscles, but the slower tempo allows you to create more tension in the muscle being worked giving it a greater stimulus.
  7. Use machines. Machines can be more stable. They are also great if you have a hand or wrist injury and cannot support a barbell, dumbbell, etc.
  8. Do some yoga. Most people, especially weightlifters or people that sit all day for work can use the extra mobility work.

There you have it. Although there are even more ways to train around injuries it is important to be cautious and ideally be supervised by a professional trainer, doctor or therapist to assure that you don’t make the injury worse. Furthermore, once the injury is almost fully healed it is important to make sure that you do the proper rehabilitation and post rehabilitation therapy to make sure the injured area is properly strengthened and balanced so that you decrease the risk of reinjuring it.

Lastly, and possibly the most important thing is to realize that there is always something you can do. It may not be exactly what you want to do now but by continuing to train you can avoid falling into a rut, depression, and regression losing all your previous progress. So, pick yourself up, seek the advice a professional, keep a positive mindset and just do what you can do.

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How to Improve Sleep Part 2-Supplements for Sleep

In part one of this series (How to Improve Sleep Part 1) I wrote about the negative consequences of poor sleep. I also discussed different things you can do to help fall asleep and/or sleep more soundly each night. In this post I will be discussing different natural sleep aids. 

For many people the use of over the counter and prescription sleep aids are the only way they have been able to fall and stay asleep. Although the use of these sleeping medications may be beneficial for short term or sporadic use they can have negative consequences if taken regularly. 

Two major problems with sleep medications are dependence and the fact that sleep medications  do not produce natural sleep. Natural sleep is the sleep your body really needs to recover, repair and regenerate. 

If you are having trouble sleeping, and would like to try possible alternatives to drugs then please keep reading. Some of these natural sleep aids may work for you.

The following is a list of supplements that have been shown and used to help thousands of people fall and stay asleep.

As with all supplements it is important to make sure that you are using a reputable high quality brand. Poor quality supplements are often under dosed, and may contain added fillers and useless or potentially harmful ingredients. They also usually contain the cheapest or least absorbable forms of the active ingredient. Basically, poor quality supplements will most often not work and are a waste of your hard earned money. 

The following list is in a logical order to begin experimenting with. I recommend starting with the first supplement(s) on the list if you have never tried them. Then move onto the next one on the list if it does not work for you.  

One caveat. Insomnia can be a sign of something more dangerous and severe. If you are having trouble sleeping always consult with a medical professional specializing in sleep disturbances.

Supplements for sleep.


Magnesium is involved in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation” among other things. Many people do not consume enough magnesium in their diets and/or are deficient in magnesium. This fact alone is reason enough for most people to consider supplementing with magnesium.                                                                       

The other cool thing about magnesium is that is has a calming/relaxing effect on the body and can help improve sleep.

Three of the best forms of magnesium are magnesium citrate, malate, and bisglycinate. 

Try 200-400 mgs a half hour before bed. Start with a lower dose and work up if needed to avoid stomach upset. Otherwise you might end up sitting on the toilet all night instead of sleeping.

Herbal Teas

Lemon Balm,  Valerian Root and Chamomile are three common herbs that have been used for centuries to reduce anxiety and stress related symptoms as well as promote better sleep. Other common herbs are passion flower, and lavender just to name a few. There are many herbal tea combinations on the market that have helped thousands of people wind down and sleep. Look for reputable brands with good reviews.

Follow the instructions on the specific brand you choose.


Melatonin, is a hormone of the pineal gland, that helps maintain the body’s normal circadian rhythms. Melatonin has been shown to help individuals who have difficulty sleeping or who have altered circadian rhythms because of jet lag, night shift work, and time zone changes. Melatonin has been shown to decrease the amount of time needed to fall asleep, and promoting the ability to stay asleep.  It can also help those suffering from age related decline in melatonin production.

Take 3-5mgs a half hour before bed.


Glycine is an amino acid and inhibitory neurotransmitter that supports relaxation, healthy stress management, and sleep quality and quantity. Other great health benefits include improved cognitive function, cardiovascular, joint and metabolic health. It also enhances detoxification by increasing glutathione production.

Take 3-5 grams a half hour before bed. 


GABA is the body’s most important inhibitory neurotransmitter. Gaba acts by lowering the activity of neural cells in the brain and central nervous system. By inhibiting neural activity, “GABA facilitates sleep, reduces mental and physical stress, lowers anxiety, and creates a calmness of mood.” 

Most over the counter GABA supplements do not contain a form of GABA that can be readily absorbed so choosing the right form of GABA is key. PHARMAGABA by Thorne Research is a great brand with the research to back it up. 

Take 100-250 mgs. a half hour before bed.

5-HTP and L-theanine

A great supplement combination that I learned about and have used successfully to help me sleep is from my friend, mentor and one of the best functional medicine doctors in the world Dr. Jeffrey Morrison of the Morison Center in NYC .(If you re looking for a phenomenal functional medicine doctor I cannot recommend him highly enough.)

5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that your body uses to produce serotonin an important neurotransmitter. The serotonin levels in the body are associated with the regulation of sleep, mood, and appetite. A balanced serotonin level has been shown to support restful sleep, good mood, and decreased sugar cravings.                     

L-Theanine is an amino acid predominantly found in green and black tea.  L-theanine enhances the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, and also appears to play a role in the formation of GABA . As I mentioned above, GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps calm you down and relax the mind and body during times of stress.

Take 200-400mgs. along with 200-400 mgs of 5-HTP a half hour before bed. Start with a lower dose and adjust if needed.

IMPORTANT: 5-HTP should not be taken with any neurological drug that has been prescribed for antidepressant or other cognitive purposes unless cleared by a medical doctor. This is most important for SSRI usage, wherein the combination with 5-HTP is potentially lethal.

Sleep Bundle

Lastly, here is a great combination of three of the supplements recommended above, melatonin, pharmagaba and magnesium. This is a great combination to try if you are not sure where to begin.

To summarize once again using the quote by Dr. Rob Rakowski: “If you are not running on rest you are running on stress”. Constantly high levels of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline can have negative adverse effects on your overall health and weight loss. Sleep, along with proper nutrition and daily exercise are the foundations for health and wellness. If poor sleep has been an issue for you I hope this information helps you rest easy. 

Please post below and let me know your thoughts and if you tried any of the recommendations above.

Yours in health,


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The Top 5 Exercises for Healthy Shoulders

The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body. Like all things in life there is a give and take. The extra mobility comes at the cost of stability. This is one of the major reasons shoulder injuries are so common. This is also why it is so important to keep the smaller stabilizing muscles of the shoulder healthy and strong.

Unfortunately, most trainees overlook these small muscles in their training programs. This can lead to muscle imbalances, instability and oftentimes injuries. The following program contains 5 great  exercises to help keep your shoulders healthy and strong. They are also great to help rehabilitate shoulder injures or to use post rehab. 

Important Note:

This article is not meant to take the place of proper care by a medical professional. If you are experiencing pain or have a shoulder injury it is important to first have your shoulder evaluated my a medical professional before beginning any treatment or training program. 

The following program should be done twice per week on nonconsecutive days. E.G. Monday and Thursday. The Program can also be done on upper body days. 

  • Perform 2-3 sets of each exercise
  • Perform 10-12 repetitions for each set
  • Us a moderate tempo 3-0-1-0 (3 second eccentric/lowering, 0 seconds pause at bottom, 1 second concentric or raising and 0 seconds pause on top).
  • Rest 60 seconds between sets.
  • Then move on to the second exercise.

If you have never trained the rotator cuff muscles directly it is important to use very light weights to start. E.G.1-5 pounds. Especially if you are recovering form a shoulder injury. 

Side Lying Dumbbell External Rotations

Dumbbell External Rotations With Elbow on Knee

Dumbbell Trap 3 Raise

Side Lying Dumbbell Supraspinatis Raise

There you have it. Whether you are recovering from a shoulder injury, trying to prevent injury or just improve performance strengthening the rotator cuff is the key. 

Give this work out a try for 8 weeks and see how you feel?

Let me know in the comments. 

Yours in helath.


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Are Environmental Estrogens Destroying Your Health?

Are Environmental Estrogen’s Sabotaging Your Health, Performance and Weight Loss Goals? The simple truth is, yes they are! It is obvious and well known that our world today is plagued by massive amounts of toxic chemicals. They are in our food, water, soil, air an many of the products we buy and use.  Is it any wonder why we as a people are getting fatter, fertility rates are low, children are physically and sexually maturing at much younger ages, breast, prostate and other forms of cancer are at all time highs, testosterone levels are lower and overall good health is at a decline. So whether you are an athlete looking for optimal athletic performance or an everyday person trying to improve your health this information is vital to your success.

Estrogen’s in our environment come from a multitude of places. To simplify I have made a list of many of the most common sources.

1. Much of the food we eat is highly contaminated with these environmental estrogen’s. These estrogen’s come from hormones and antibiotics used to improve the growth and production of beef, pork and poultry. Once injected or fed to the animal it is passed on to us when we consume them.
2. Produce is not unaffected either. A large majority of our produce is laden with pesticides and chemical fertilizers. These chemicals mimic natural estrogen activity in the body wreaking havoc on our endocrine system.
3. Our water supply is also a culprit. The use of birth control pills by a large amount of our population is excreted naturally in urine. These hormones leach into our water supply through ground water and sewage. Our water supply can also be contaminated from factory chemical waste and runoff that leaches into our groundwater Unfortunately, our sewage treatment does not effectively remove all of the drugs and hormones from our water. These hormones are then passed on to us when we drink, cook and wash with the water in small amounts. Over time, this constant exposure may accumulate in our bodies.
4. Plastic bottles and food containers are our fourth cause. Many of the chemicals used to produce plastics also mimic estrogen’s in our bodies. They may leach into our food and water. This incidence is much higher if you heat or cool food and/or water in these containers.
5. Oil based coatings such as BPA’s found in can linings and other food storage containers cash register receipts(which are super annoying by themselves) and water bottles. BPA’s are also estrogenic and toxic to our bodies.
6. Many of our skin care products such as, cosmetics, deodorant, shampoos, moisturizers, and hair gels contain chemicals called parabens. Four of the more common types are ethylparaben, butylparaben, methylparaben and propylparaben. Parabens have been shown to disrupt hormone function, an effect that is linked to increased risk of breast cancer and reproductive toxicity.
7. Phthalates are mainly used as plasticizers, i.e., substances added to plastics to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity. They are used primarily to soften polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
They are linked to all sorts of health issues including prostate cancer.
These plasticizing chemicals are found in:
o Synthetic Scents including candles and personal care products
o Makeup (to keep lotions and makeup to stick to your face longer)
o Vinyl shower curtains, flooring and other products
o Laundry products
o Nail polish
o #3 plastic cling wrap
o Water bottles
8. Excessive Alcohol Consumption. Drinking alcohol excessively has been linked to lower fertility rates and can trigger estrogen levels to increase. Beer is one of the worst culprits.
9. Soy. Soy is an estrogenic compound. The xenoestrogens in soy may contribute to the  disruption of hormonal balance in your body.
10. Eating processed food or large amounts of grain-based foods. Aside from the fact that eating too much grain and processed foods will make you fat, chemical additives in foods can also act as hormone disruptors.

The main problem with these environmental estrogen’s is our body’s ability to detoxify them. Our body’s are constantly bombarded with these chemicals from all directions. Over time the body may have difficulty  properly detoxifying and eliminating these chemicals. This leads to a build up and can lead to increased cancer risk, decreased testosterone, increased body fat gains and a host of other illnesses.

So, now that I scared the hell out of you, what can you do to help limit your toxic exposure to these treacherous chemicals?

The following list is a great place to start.

  1. Buy certified organic meats and vegetables. These products are free of these hormones, pesticides, chemical fertilizers and are non-GMO as well.
  2. Limit consumption of water from plastic bottles and containers. Buy a special gravity fed water filter or a  reverse osmosis water filter for your house and store your water in glass containers. Although it is not fully certain this will remove all chemical contaminants there is some evidence that it does at least lower them. Here is a great place to compare many types of water filters from the Environmental Working Group. EWR Water Filters
  3. Do not heat or freeze food and/or beverages in plastic containers. It is also wise to not store foods in lastic containers as the heated temperature of the food when you put it into the container and the cold temperature of the refrigerator or freezer can lead to the leaching or plastic chemicals into the food. Instead look for glass storage containers and/or these great silicone lids and silicone storage bags that are much safer. The added bonus is you will use less plastic that would end up getting thrown out and contributing to more environmental issues. 
  4. Buy fresh or frozen foods. If you buy canned foods make sure they do not use BPA linings. If you buy frozen foods DO NOT heat them in the plastic package it came in. 
  5. Avoid all cosmetics, cleaning products, shampoos, etc that contain any form of parabens. Read the labels!  For a list of paraben levels in products also refer to: ewg.org
  6. Avoid fragranced products, including air fresheners, plug-ins, wax melts, personal care products and dryer sheets.
  7. Use coconut, olive or avocado oil instead of vegetable oil. Vegetable oils aside from being generally unhealthy for you, especial soy bean, often contain high-estrogen food additives.
  8. Avoid most types of non-stick cookware. These chemicals used to make it non-stick are not only estrogenic but carcinogenic. Healthier and safer alternative include cast iron, 100% ceramic, ceramic coated stainless steel, glass and stainless steel pots and pans. Please be aware that ceramic coated pans are usually coating a type of metal (usually aluminum a neurotoxic metal) so look for ceramic coated stainless steel instead. 
  9. Eat large amounts of  plants that have been shown to have estrogen detoxifying properties. Among these  are flax seeds and lignans, sesame seeds, leafy green vegetables,  broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, alfalfa, clover, licorice root, omega-3′s and legumes.
  10. Use helpful supplements in combination with a healthy nutrition and exercise program to assist your body’s natural detoxification pathways.

Unfortunately, environmental estrogen’s  and other toxins will continue to rise along with all of the havoc they bring to our bodies. Fortunately, we can mitigate some of the risk by being aware and applying some of the recommendations above. If this seems overwhelming simply start to make 1-2 of the small changes mentioned above. Over time these small actions can pay big dividends towards improving your health, performance and weight loss!

To your health.


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The Jacks-A Killer Fat Burning HIIT Workout

If you like killer H.I.I.T. style workouts then this will get your heart pumping, blood flowing and fat melting. This is the exact workout my tribe and I did this past Wednesday in my virtual boot camp class and it was a killer.

I like to call this workout “The Jacks”. The reason being is each exercise circuit combines an exercise for a body part group eg, chest, legs, back, etc. and a jumping jack variation. Just a warning. These are no wimpy “regular” jumping jacks. 


The workout consists of 6 five minute circuits. Set an interval timer to 6 rounds of   40 seconds work, and 10 seconds rest. You will alternate each round between a body part exercise and a jumping jack variation. You will rest 60-90 seconds between circuits.

Equipment Needed:

The workout:

Begin with a dynamic warm-up.

See the video below for a demonstration of one of my dynamic warm-ups.

Circuit 1: 

Goblet Squats/Squat Jacks

Circuit 2:

Bent Over Dumbbell Rows/Predator Jacks with Monster Band

Circuit 3:

Kettlebell Rotational Lunge Swing/Split Jump Jacks

Circuit 4:

Spiderman Push-ups/Burpee with Floor Jack

Circuit 5:

Push-up Plank Position Floor Jacks/V-Up Jacks

Circuit 6:

Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise/Dumbbell Press Jacks

Finish lying on the floor having a long conversation with God. lol Then do an active cool-down and light stretch.

See the video below for exercise demonstrations.

Give this workout a go and let me know what you think in the comments below? 

I also have a great workout that you can do at home with minimal equipment that you can check out here.

If you are interested in our virtual boot camps or one of my other programs please contact me through the website and we can set up a quick call. 


Yours in health,


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Does Eating Fat Make You Fat?

Does Eating Fat Make You… Fat?

The simple answer to this question is: you will not gain weight if you do not consume large quantities of excess calories on a regular basis.

Following this line of reasoning, we may conclude that it makes no difference which macronutrient causes the surplus: if you eat too much protein, carbs, or fat, you will gain weight.

Remember the energy balance rule: you can gain weight if you eat more calories than your body needs to maintain its weight.

Conversely, if you eat fewer calories than it needs, you will lose weight.

Although there are other reasons for gaining weight, in particular fat weight, this is the underlying foundation for all weight loss and weight gain protocols. 

The 4 Types of Fat

Now, not all fats were made the same, meaning that consuming certain types of fat can be very harmful for the body.

When it comes to fats from food, there are a couple of types consider.

Those are: Trans fats, saturated fats, monounsaturated fats & polyunsaturated fats.

Let’s go over each one separately!

Trans fats

Fats are inherently unstable compounds, and when exposed to a variety of environmental factors (light, moisture, heat), they spoil and lose their properties quickly.

Of course, industries that use a lot of fat during production have devised a method to address this issue.

That method for refining fats is known as “hydrogenation.”

Hydrogen atoms are applied to the molecular structure of liquid fats using this method until they enter a solid or semi-solid state.

Foods made with hydrogenated fats have a longer shelf life as a result of this process. This means big money for the big food companies and big problems for your health. 

Trans fats are fatty acids with a chemically modified structure found in hydrogenated fats. This fats are 100%artificially made and do not exist naturally in nature.

When it comes to food, trans fats are one of the most harmful substances you can eat.

Trans fat consumption raises the risk of heart disease, miscarriage, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and certain cancers significantly.

Trans fats are, without a doubt, one of the worst nutrients we have in modern-day food products.

However, given the abundance of such foods nowadays, it really is hard to get trans-fat consumption down to 0.

Nevertheless, all you have to do is avoid these foods:

  • Baked goods, such as cakes, cookies and pies
  • Shortening
  • Microwave popcorn
  • Frozen pizza
  • Refrigerated dough, such as biscuits and rolls
  • Fried foods, including french fries, doughnuts and fried chicken
  • Nondairy coffee creamer
  • Stick margarine.

If you see any of these, or it is a processed food then you may be certain that the product contains trans fats.

The simple solution, avoid these fats like the plague to dramatically improve your overall health. 

Saturated fats

At room temperature, saturated fats are typically solid or semi-solid.

Long, medium and short-chained triglycerides are the three forms of saturated fats that can be distinguished.

Animal products, such as dairy products and beef, pork, and veal meat, include the first type (long-chained triglycerides).

Saturated fats are contained in smaller amounts in other foods, such as chicken and turkey.

Palm, cocoa, and coconut oil all contain medium-chained triglycerides.

Now, for the longest time, saturated fats have been thought to be bad because they are thought to raise cholesterol levels. However, a major study involving nearly half a million people was published in 2010 in the American Journal of clinical nutrition.

According to the findings, there is insufficient evidence to support the argument that saturated fats are the leading cause of cardiovascular disease and strokes.

And though that is true, your best bet is to not go overboard with any type of fat, including this one.

It is recommend that you consume no more than 10% of your daily calories from saturated fats.

Monounsaturated fats

Avocados, nuts, and certain plant oils, such as olive oil, are rich in monounsaturated fats.

Since this form of fat is one of the cleanest and least processed, it is a good idea to put it at the core of your fat intake.

Some studies suggest that monounsaturated fats can be useful for the cardiovascular system, improving its function and lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease.

“Monounsaturated fat is a type of dietary fat. It is one of the healthy fats, along with polyunsaturated fat. Monounsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature, but start to harden when chilled. Medlineplus.gov

  • Polyunsaturated fats

Last but not least, we have polyunsaturated fats, that are just as essential as monounsaturated fats.

In reality, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are the only ESSENTIAL types of fats.

Essential means that the body cannot produce them on its own and that we must obtain them by diet or supplementation.

This is not true of the other three categories of fats, including monounsaturated fats.

Now, though omega-6 fatty acids are essential, they are found in abundance in our modern-day nutrition.

Plant oils, such as sunflower oil, corn oil, soy, and hemp oil, vegetable oil as well as nuts and seeds, contain a significant amount of short-chained omega-6 fatty acids. 

Oppositely, we have arachidonic acid (AA), which is a long-chained form of omega-6 fatty acids.

This is involved in the structure of cell membranes and is used by the body to fight infection and regulate inflammation.

AA can be found in livers, eggs, yolks and seafood products.

Now, unlike omega-6 fatty acids, omega-3 cannot be found  much in our modern-day nutrition and is actually deficit for most people.

The bad thing about this deficiency is that omega-3 fatty acids are actually a preventative nutrient.

We can call them that because these fatty acids regulate inflammation and immune processes, along with many other processes in the body.

Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in some animal products, such as fatty fish and crustaceans, but also in linseed oil, chia and hemp seeds and nuts.

Another great source of Omega-3s is supplementing your diet with a high quality fish oil supplement to assure that you are consuming enough of this very important nutrient. 

Final Thoughts

Dietary fat is one of the most essential nutrients for the body next to protein and as such, it needs to be carefully selected.

The selection of fat-containing products is important, mainly because many foods contain highly-processed fats, which are terrible for the body.

For this reason, the first step is to learn how to differentiate between the 4 different types of fat.

In my upcoming post , I am going to give you more insight on the functions of dietary fat, as well as the best sources for you to derive these fats from!

See you next time.

Yours in health,


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But What if I Gain the Weight Back?

You started an exercise and nutrition program and have lost some weight and can finally fit into your old “skinny” jeans and clothes again. You are extremely happy, and you should be. You have made an amazing accomplishment. It is at this point that I like to say to clients “now it is time to donate all of your “fat”, “old” clothes because you won’t be needing them anymore. Unfortunately, at this point the client often replies “but what if I get fat again?” Here is why it is important to change your mindset if you wan to maintain your results for the long run.

In his awesome book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill tells this story. “A long while ago, a great warrior faced a situation which made it necessary for him to make a decision which insured his success on the battlefield.

He was about to send his armies against a powerful enemy, whose men outnumbered his own. He loaded his soldiers into boats, sailed to the enemy’s country, unloaded soldiers and equipment, then gave the order to burn the ships that had carried them. Addressing his men before the first battle, he said, “You see the boats going up in smoke. That means that we cannot leave these shores alive unless we win!

We now have no choice—we win, or we perish! Well guess what? They won!

To be successful in whatever goal you are undertaking then this is a very important and often overlooked concept. When you are attempting to accomplish something and enter into it already thinking about your “escape” plan that you have to fall back on, will you really and truly continue to give it 100%? Especially during tough times that will inevitably pop up from time to time? Probably not.

Now I am not saying it is not a great idea to have a back up plan but if that plan is also comforting you in a way that already has you thinking that you are going to fail in the long run then guess what? You WILL fail in the long run.

To keep the burning desire to reach your goals alive you need to eliminate things that will make it easy for you to retreat from your challenge when the going gets tough. If you remove the sources of retreat then you will have no choice but to succeed.

Let’s apply this to fat loss. If you keep your “fat “ clothes just in case you gain the weight back then you are already planning to gain the weight back. I see this happen all the time.

Let’s take a different approach. You just lost a bunch of weight and all of your clothes are too loose. Schedule a time and take all of the clothes that are too big for you now and confidently donate them to people that can use them. Then when you have a slip up from time to time and start to feel your “skinny” clothes getting a little tight use this as a sign to tighten up your diet (instead of your clothes) and get more consistent with your exercise before you fall to far off the wagon.

If you are serious about wanting to be leaner, healthier and fitter then “burn your boats” don’t give yourself an easy out for when you get in a rut. Remind yourself that this new lifestyle is who you are now. Not the unhappy, unhealthy and unfit person you were before. You got this!

Yours in health,


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