My First Post "Get Out of Your Own Way"
We have lift off. Welcome to my new vlog/blog/website. My name is Kevin. I am formerly the owner and head honcho of K-Strength Sports Training. I say formerly because a lot of shit went down in 2020 and so did my business. So here I am starting anew.
“Every day is a chance for a new beginning.”
Truth be told, as much as I love all the clients I work or have worked with, and my gym, I was starting to get burned out trying to run a gym and manage all that it entails. Long hours on the floor. Not much time with the family. No vacations. Not enough time to do more of the parts of my job that I love and wanted to spend more time doing.
As brutal as it was having to pull the plug on my business. My creation. Over 10 years of hard work, sweat, laughter and tears. Having to say goodbye to seeing so many amazing people who have become like a second family, a part of me is relieved. Not because of parting with them. But because of connecting with myself.
Like many people we get so caught up with the day to day and everyone else we often lose touch with ourselves. When we do this, an important part inside of us is slowly dying because we are cheating on someone we love. Ourselves.
Interestingly, as soon as I closed and mourned a bit. I was excited to get going doing what I “didn’t have time for” before. I started laying out a plan and setting things up and then proceeded to do everything and anything not to start. Sure, I did a lot of work setting things up, but the most important parts were always pushed back. It is like the one important phone call that you do not want to make but you know you have to. You procrastinate by creating other things that make you feel like you are being productive such as, organizing your desktop. clearing out you’re inbox, washing dishes, etc. You do everything you can except the things you need to be doing. I kept doing this and pushing it off until finally I would say I will just do it tomorrow. Then the next day and on and on.
For such a long time I bitched and moaned that I did not have time. Now when I have time and no excuse, I sabotage myself. I bring this up because as I stepped back and looked at my situation an important question came to my mind.
Was not having time, or having too many other things to do before the reason I was unable to do what I really wanted? Or was it just me all along?
I am now sure that it was always just me.
What is it that you want to do? What are you passionate about? What do you do to sabotage yourself? What excuses do you make?
Think about it and when you find your answer stop making excuses, create a plan and just do IT.
This is my “IT”. This is my new beginning.
To your health,